Circle one (Thursdays) is now full. There less than 10 spaces left in our Wednesday Circle.

Welcome Kindred Heart

I’m so grateful that you’re excited to hear about my Closed Womens Circles for 2024. It brings me so much joy to hold space for women, in this way.

secure your spot

Safety, connection and witnessing: welcome to Womens Circle 2024.

If you are:

  • excited (and maybe a little bit nervous) about the idea of joining a women’s circle
  • looking for a space to experience deep connection with other women
  • feeling as though you have limited places and spaces in your life to truly express yourself and connect with your authentic voice, uninterrupted
  • needing somewhere to unravel and regulate your nervous system
  • looking to feel more grounded, more alive, more connected
  • needing somewhere to lay out your thoughts and feelings without the responsibility of holding space for those who hear it
  • longing to be held, witnessed and seen as whole and holy
  • longing to feel the power created when women gather in healed sisterhood...

Then my love, this Closed Womens Circle container may be the place for you.

In 2024 I will be offering 2 separate closed women’s circles,

These will be held in my home in the Dandenong Ranges, just 60 minutes from Melbourne CBD.

Find yourself nurtured in a safe, uniquely crafted, reverent space in the hills with like minded souls, ready to deepen our connection to one another, to ourselves and to this precious earth.

I would be honoured to hold space for 12-15 women, per circle. Each circle held 9 times over the year.

These are closed circles, meaning we journey as a group for the year with no new members being added. The beauty of this being that each month we deepen, co-creating the space, building familiarity with the same faces, the same voices and stories.

We can only heal and remember our wholeness when we feel safe.

And with safety and connection as a priority, our journey is a wild and beautiful one.

Kindred words

“I never thought I was the right type of person for a woman’s circle, however I took the leap during my pregnancy, to sit with Siobhán in circle. It unearthed a deep longing for sisterhood and understanding of my wounds with other women. I can only describe this as a true coming home to myself.”


“The concept of a women's circle is something I had heard about but never experienced. Thanks to Siobhán, I now have an understanding of their sanctity. It’s hard to put this into words, but I hope this sheds some light on the magic that is stirred in attending a circle run by Siobhán”


“Siobhán holds all Circles with a soul-filled, humble assurance. She strikes the beautiful balance between safety and encouragement, which asks us all to be brave and return to what we already know.

She holds the expanse so others can explore everything alive between all their grief and joy.”


“Intuition, Depth, Compassion, Curiosity, Honesty, Wisdom, Vulnerability, Playfulness, Willingness. These are some of the words that come up when I try to think how to describe what it's like sitting with Siobhán. I absolutely love her guided meditations and her songs she readily shares.”


“I have been blessed to attend many of Siobhán circles and every one of them has been transformative for me. She has provided a space for all women to feel held and heard in a such nurturing way. She holds space for women to bravely share their truth without judgment or barriers. A powerful container of love”


Join us for either Circle 1 or Circle 2

In the interest of creating a sustainable income and take over the bread-winning duties for my family, I’ve created a 12 month circle subscription payment. The payment is $49/ mo, to be directly debited. The beauty of this being that this creates opportunities for those who don’t currently have capacity for the full investment AND it supports me to create a stable, predictable, ongoing income. And from that place of safety, I can support and serve my community.

Address will be provided on booking.

Circle `1

12 payments x $49 aud

Circles will run 6:45pm-9pm on the ​second last Thursday of the month from ​February to November, excluding ​September.

Join on Thursdays→

Circle 2

12 payments x $49 aud

Circles will run 6:45pm-9:00pm on the last Wednesday of the month from February to November, excluding September.

Online Circles


Online circles will be held throughout the year. Dates and times are TBD. Register your interest via the waitlist below.

It’s common to say...

That no prior experience is necessary for circle, when in fact, all of your prior experiences in womanhood and self expression are exactly what circle is there for. Of course, no formal circle experience is necessary and should you feel nervous or anxious, take heart in knowing that those feelings are temporary and disappear once you’ve received the magic that is circle.

In your first circle you can expect to be seated around an alter of candles and locally gathered items from nature.

  • You can expect to feel relaxed and at ease as we close our eyes and ground into the space.
  • You can then expect to feel comforted by the simple expectations and confident space holding provided.
  • Enamored by the stories you hear from other women.
  • At peace with such a generous space express yourself.
  • Lightened, the weight from you shoulders lifted.
  • Resolute in your trust in yourself, in other women.

And grateful, knowing that every month or so you come back and do it again and again and again.

My name is Siobhán Delaney

My role in this life is Midwife of the Soul, supporting rites of passage

from womb to tomb.

A shamanic craftswoman with more than a decades experience holding sacred space, I support women both individually and collectively through pregnancy, birth, postpartum. This role includes facilitating ceremonies such as Mother Blessings, Closing the Bones and honouring the journey of pregnancy loss.

Collectively, I teach Medicine Drum Making, hold gatherings and support other facilitators to come into their own via my online women’s circle facilitator course ‘Holding Space.’

I have been blessed to journey with this work for a long time and in that time, been able to lean into and learn how to trust and hold space for women.

To allow them to experience their fullest, most unique, powerful and potent potential. I can’t wait to meet you in circle.

Have a question? Reach out to me at

Choose your circle adventure

Click the date you would like to attend and complete payment to secure your spot. Once you have made your first payment, you will receive a confirmation (including all the dates) and Welcome To Circle email, within 24 hours.

Circle `1

12 payments x $49 aud

Circles will run 6:45pm-9pm on the ​second last Thursday of the month from ​February to November, excluding ​September.

JOIN on Thursdays →

Circle 2

12 payments x $49 aud

Circles will run on the last Wednesday 6:45pm-9:00pm of the month from February to November, excluding September.


Do I have to come to every circle?

When you commit to these circles, I ask that if you plan to attend as many as possible. You will receive an email reminder every month with the address and time, but as a pillar of circle we encourage self responsibility and that means consciously adding these dates to your calendar and prioritising this time for yourself.

What do I say when it’s my turn? Is there a theme?

I ask that you speak to what’s alive for you at this moment. It’s important that we don’t try to construct our share whilst someone else is speaking. We focus on each woman as she speaks and when it’s our turn (nerves are normal at this point), we take a moment to check in and ask ourselves what we feel we need to express.

I’ve never been to a circle before, is everyone going to know something I don’t?

Coming to circle for the first time can be a nerve wracking thing! The nerves evaporate pretty quickly. If not after your first, then after your second or third you will arrive feeling excited to see your new friends and keen to share what’s on your heart.

What happens if I can’t make it? Or I move away?

If it’s one off, just reply to the reminder email. If there’s a drastic change to your circumstances, please reach out to me. Whilst the expectation and the agreement is that payments are for the full 12 months, I am always open to discussing extenuating circumstances and finding a solution.

What do I wear to a women’s circle? Is there nudity? What do I bring?

You can wear what ever you feel most comfortable and these are not nude circles. Simply bring what you need to be comfortable. Snacks and tea are provided but you’re welcome to bring some water. A journal can be helpful for times when you may want to write something down,

Can I bring my kid(s)?

Babes in arms are welcome in circle. It’s important to remember that these circles will involve candles and therefore are not appropriate for children older than 6 months, or those who aren’t necessarily happy to sit in your arms and want to crawl around.

Ready to join us dear heart?